Gallery works are catalogued by categories:
Line Art
Geometric Art
Thread Art – Crochet
Thread Art – Embroidery
Line Art
Thee I Trust. 2022, Digital line drawing.
Trapped Woman. 2019, Digital line drawing.
Adaptation to illustrate Hi! I’m here! short story
Geometric Art
Australiana Collection. 2022, Digital geometric art.
Thread Art – Crochet
Hippy Vest with Dolly Bag. 2015, Crochet in cotton, garment.
A video of the crochet pieces that make up this Hippy vest can be viewed here.
Thread Art – Embroidery
Open Arms. 2011, Cross stitch in stranded cotton on linen, 20 x 25cm.
The Brisbane. 2022, Cross stitch cotton on linen, 40cm x 50cm.
Cycle of Isolation. 2022, Digital typography drawing.
Self-portrait. 2019, Digital typography drawing.